FinFlow Software Solutions

Ideas of IT solutions, analysis, development and integration.


System has customer identification and KYC-procedures, which include: limit monitoring, automatic generation and processing of declarations of source of funds on exceeding a specified limit, checking against black lists (OFAC, World Check, EU), monitoring of abnormal activities that do not match the profile of the client. A built-in alert system keeps everything on track.

Multiple API solution

Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools that are necessary for building application software. In other words, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components while creating a computer program.

Specialised payments core system

A specialised payment core system software including client management, product management, client scoring, collateral administration, loan management, accounting and payment service.

Settlement platform

Safe, simple and fast accounts management. Our settlement platform software solution is designed to provide business intelligence for accounting automation and administration.

E-payment core solution

Fully-fledged payment core system online payments, currency exchange, cash management and other functions designed to automate business operations for financial service providers.


We understand that all companies have different resources but want to improve their services and that is why we offer several flexible pricing options.

  • Entrance fee, which includes installation of software and training of employees and individual branding. Monthly installments for the rental of software.
  • Entrance fee, which includes installation of software and training of employees. Annual fees for the rental of software. Individual branding for free.
  • Entrance fee, which includes the installation of software and training of employees will be free if you make a fee for renting software for at least 3 years. individual branding for free.
  • If your company start up then you can not pay the entrance fee and pay for the rental of software a year.

Our prices are very reasonable and you will be paying a fraction of the cost in comparison to what consultants will charge for the same service.